
Wrapper to stream with camera2 api and microphone. Support stream with SurfaceView, TextureView, OpenGlView(Custom SurfaceView that use OpenGl) and Context(background mode). All views use Surface to buffer encoding mode for H264. API requirements: API 21+. Created by pedro on 7/07/17.



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constructor(openGlView: OpenGlView)
constructor(context: Context)


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open fun addImageListener(format: Int, maxImages: Int, listener: Camera2ApiManager.ImageCallback)
open fun addImageListener(width: Int, height: Int, format: Int, maxImages: Int, listener: Camera2ApiManager.ImageCallback)
open fun addImageListener(width: Int, height: Int, format: Int, maxImages: Int, autoClose: Boolean, listener: Camera2ApiManager.ImageCallback)
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open fun disableAudio()
Mute microphone, can be called before, while and after stream.
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open fun disableLantern()
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open fun enableAudio()
Enable a muted microphone, can be called before, while and after stream.
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open fun enableFaceDetection(faceDetectorCallback: FaceDetectorCallback): Boolean
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open fun enableLantern()
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Enable OIS video stabilization Warning: Turning both OIS and EIS modes on may produce undesirable interaction, so it is recommended not to enable both at the same time.
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Enable EIS video stabilization Warning: Turning both OIS and EIS modes on may produce undesirable interaction, so it is recommended not to enable both at the same time.
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open fun forceCodecType(codecTypeVideo: CodecUtil.CodecType, codecTypeAudio: CodecUtil.CodecType)
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open fun forceFpsLimit(enabled: Boolean)
Force stream to work with fps selected in prepareVideo method.
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open fun getBitrate(): Int
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Get supported properties of the camera
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open fun getExposure(): Int
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open fun getMaxExposure(): Int
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open fun getMinExposure(): Int
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open fun getResolutions(cameraId: String): List<Size>
Get supported resolutions of cameraId in px.
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Get supported resolutions of back camera in px.
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Get supported resolutions of front camera in px.
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open fun getStreamHeight(): Int
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open fun getStreamWidth(): Int
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open fun getZoom(): Float
Return current zoom level
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open fun getZoomRange(): Range<Float>
Return zoom level range
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open fun isAudioMuted(): Boolean
Get mute state of microphone.
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Use getCameraFacing instead
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open fun isOnPreview(): Boolean
Get preview state.
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open fun isRecording(): Boolean
Get record state.
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open fun isStreaming(): Boolean
Get stream state.
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open fun pauseRecord()
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open fun prepareAudio(): Boolean
Same to call: prepareAudio(64 * 1024, 32000, true, false, false);
open fun prepareAudio(bitrate: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean): Boolean
open fun prepareAudio(bitrate: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean

open fun prepareAudio(audioSource: Int, bitrate: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean
Call this method before use @startStream.
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open fun prepareVideo(): Boolean
Same to call: isHardwareRotation = true; if (openGlVIew) isHardwareRotation = false; prepareVideo(640, 480, 30, 1200 * 1024, isHardwareRotation, 90);
open fun prepareVideo(width: Int, height: Int, bitrate: Int): Boolean
open fun prepareVideo(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, bitrate: Int, iFrameInterval: Int, rotation: Int): Boolean

open fun prepareVideo(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, bitrate: Int, rotation: Int): Boolean
backward compatibility reason
open fun prepareVideo(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, bitrate: Int, iFrameInterval: Int, rotation: Int, profile: Int, level: Int): Boolean
Call this method before use @startStream.
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open fun replaceView(context: Context)
open fun replaceView(openGlView: OpenGlView)
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open fun requestKeyFrame()
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open fun resumeRecord()
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open fun setAudioCodec(codec: AudioCodec)
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open fun setCameraCallbacks(callbacks: CameraCallbacks)
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open fun setCustomAudioEffect(customAudioEffect: CustomAudioEffect)
Set an audio effect modifying microphone's PCM buffer.
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open fun setEncoderErrorCallback(encoderErrorCallback: EncoderErrorCallback)
Set a callback to know errors related with Video/Audio encoders
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open fun setExposure(value: Int)
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open fun setFocusDistance(distance: Float)
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open fun setMicrophoneMode(microphoneMode: MicrophoneMode)
Must be called before prepareAudio.
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open fun setOpticalZoom(level: Float)
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open fun setRecordController(recordController: BaseRecordController)
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open fun setVideoBitrateOnFly(bitrate: Int)
Set video bitrate of H264 in bits per second while stream.
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open fun setVideoCodec(codec: VideoCodec)
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open fun setZoom(event: MotionEvent)
open fun setZoom(level: Float)
Set zoomIn or zoomOut to camera.
open fun setZoom(event: MotionEvent, delta: Float)
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open fun startPreview()
open fun startPreview(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing)
open fun startPreview(cameraId: String)
open fun startPreview(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing, rotation: Int)
open fun startPreview(width: Int, height: Int)
open fun startPreview(cameraId: String, rotation: Int)
open fun startPreview(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing, width: Int, height: Int)
open fun startPreview(cameraId: String, width: Int, height: Int)
open fun startPreview(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing, width: Int, height: Int, rotation: Int)
open fun startPreview(cameraId: String, width: Int, height: Int, rotation: Int)
open fun startPreview(cameraId: String, width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, rotation: Int)

open fun startPreview(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing, width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, rotation: Int)
Start camera preview.
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open fun startStream(url: String)
Need be called after @prepareVideo or/and @prepareAudio.
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open fun startStreamAndRecord(url: String, path: String)
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open fun stopCamera()
Similar to stopPreview but you can do it while streaming or recording.
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open fun stopPreview()
Stop camera preview.
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open fun stopRecord()
Stop record MP4 video started with @startRecord.
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open fun stopStream()
Stop stream started with @startStream.
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open fun switchCamera()
Switch camera used.
open fun switchCamera(cameraId: String)
Choose a specific camera to use.
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open fun tapToFocus(event: MotionEvent): Boolean