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abstract fun addFilter(@NonNull baseFilterRender: BaseFilterRender)
Appends the specified filter to the end.
abstract fun addFilter(filterPosition: Int, @NonNull baseFilterRender: BaseFilterRender)
Inserts the specified filter at the specified position.
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abstract fun addMediaCodecSurface(surface: Surface)
Set surface from MediaCodec class to Opengl.
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abstract fun clearFilters()
Remove all filters
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abstract fun filtersCount(): Int
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abstract fun forceFpsLimit(fps: Int)
Force stream to work with fps selected in prepareVideo method.
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abstract fun getEncoderSize(): Point
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abstract fun getSurface(): Surface
Get Surface generated by Opengl.
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Get SurfaceTexture generated by Opengl.
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abstract fun isRunning(): Boolean
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abstract fun isVideoMuted(): Boolean
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abstract fun muteVideo()
This produce send black image all time.
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abstract fun removeFilter(@NonNull baseFilterRender: BaseFilterRender)
Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, if it is present.
abstract fun removeFilter(filterPosition: Int)
Remove the filter at the specified position.
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Remove surface generated from MediaCodec.
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abstract fun setEncoderSize(width: Int, height: Int)
Set video encoder size use to Opengl
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abstract fun setFilter(@NonNull baseFilterRender: BaseFilterRender)
Replace the filter in position 0 or add the filter if list is empty.
abstract fun setFilter(filterPosition: Int, @NonNull baseFilterRender: BaseFilterRender)
Replaces the filter at the specified position with the specified filter.
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abstract fun setForceRender(enabled: Boolean)
abstract fun setForceRender(enabled: Boolean, fps: Int)
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When true, flips only the preview horizontally
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abstract fun setIsPreviewVerticalFlip(flip: Boolean)
When true, flips only the preview vertically
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When true, flips only the stream horizontally
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abstract fun setIsStreamVerticalFlip(flip: Boolean)
When true, flips only the stream vertically
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abstract fun setRotation(rotation: Int)
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abstract fun setStreamRotation(rotation: Int)
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abstract fun start()
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abstract fun stop()
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abstract fun takePhoto(takePhotoCallback: TakePhotoCallback)
Capture an Image from Opengl.
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abstract fun unMuteVideo()