
class RtspOnlyAudio(connectChecker: ConnectChecker) : OnlyAudioBase

More documentation see: com.pedro.library.base.OnlyAudioBase

Created by pedro on 10/07/18.


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constructor(connectChecker: ConnectChecker)


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open fun disableAudio()

Mute microphone, can be called before, while and after stream.

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open fun enableAudio()

Enable a muted microphone, can be called before, while and after stream.

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open fun forceCodecType(codecTypeAudio: CodecUtil.CodecType)
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open override fun getStreamClient(): RtspStreamClient
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open fun isAudioMuted(): Boolean

Get mute state of microphone.

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open fun isRecording(): Boolean

Get record state.

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open fun pauseRecord()
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open fun prepareAudio(): Boolean

Same to call: prepareAudio(64 * 1024, 32000, true, false, false);

open fun prepareAudio(bitrate: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean): Boolean
open fun prepareAudio(bitrate: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean

open fun prepareAudio(audioSource: Int, bitrate: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean

Call this method before use @startStream. If not you will do a stream without audio.

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open fun resumeRecord()
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open fun setAudioCodec(codec: AudioCodec)
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open fun setCustomAudioEffect(customAudioEffect: CustomAudioEffect)

Set an audio effect modifying microphone's PCM buffer.

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open fun setEncoderErrorCallback(encoderErrorCallback: EncoderErrorCallback)

Set a callback to know errors related with Video/Audio encoders

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open fun setMicrophoneMode(microphoneMode: MicrophoneMode)

Must be called before prepareAudio.

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open fun setRecordController(recordController: BaseRecordController)
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@RequiresApi(api = 26)
open fun startRecord(@NonNull fd: FileDescriptor)
@RequiresApi(api = 18)
open fun startRecord(path: String)

@RequiresApi(api = 18)
open fun startRecord(path: String, listener: RecordController.Listener)

Starts recording an AAC audio.

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open fun startStream(url: String)

Need be called after @prepareVideo or/and @prepareAudio.

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@RequiresApi(api = 18)
open fun stopRecord()

Stop record AAC audio started with @startRecord. If you don't call it file will be unreadable.

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open fun stopStream()

Stop stream started with @startStream.