
Created by pedro on 19/01/17. This class need use same resolution, fps and imageFormat that Camera1ApiManagerGl


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constructor(getVideoData: GetVideoData)


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open val bitRate: Int
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open var fps: Int
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open val height: Int
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open var rotation: Int
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open val width: Int


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open fun forceCodecType(codecType: CodecUtil.CodecType)
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open fun formatChanged(@NonNull mediaCodec: MediaCodec, @NonNull mediaFormat: MediaFormat)
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open fun getType(): String
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open fun inputAvailable(@NonNull mediaCodec: MediaCodec, inBufferIndex: Int)
abstract fun inputAvailable(mediaCodec: MediaCodec, inBufferIndex: Int)
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open fun inputYUVData(frame: Frame)
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open fun isRunning(): Boolean
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open fun outputAvailable(@NonNull mediaCodec: MediaCodec, outBufferIndex: Int, @NonNull bufferInfo: MediaCodec.BufferInfo)
abstract fun outputAvailable(mediaCodec: MediaCodec, outBufferIndex: Int, bufferInfo: MediaCodec.BufferInfo)
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Prepare encoder with default parameters
open fun prepareVideoEncoder(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, bitRate: Int, rotation: Int, iFrameInterval: Int, formatVideoEncoder: FormatVideoEncoder): Boolean

open fun prepareVideoEncoder(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int, bitRate: Int, rotation: Int, iFrameInterval: Int, formatVideoEncoder: FormatVideoEncoder, profile: Int, level: Int): Boolean
Prepare encoder with custom parameters
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open fun reset(): Boolean
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open fun restart()
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open fun setEncoderErrorCallback(encoderErrorCallback: EncoderErrorCallback)
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open fun setForceFps(fps: Int)
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open fun setType(type: String)
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open fun start()
open fun start(startTs: Long)
open fun start(resetTs: Boolean)
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open fun stop()
open fun stop(resetTs: Boolean)