
Created by pedro on 20/01/17. This class need use same resolution, fps and imageFormat that VideoEncoder Tested with YV12 and NV21.

Advantage = you can control fps of the stream. Disadvantages = you cant use all resolutions, only resolution that your camera support.

If you want use all resolutions. You can use libYuv for resize images in OnPreviewFrame:


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constructor(surfaceView: SurfaceView, getCameraData: GetCameraData)
constructor(textureView: TextureView, getCameraData: GetCameraData)
constructor(surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture, context: Context)


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open val height: Int
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open val width: Int


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open fun disableLantern()
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open fun enableFaceDetection(faceDetectorCallback: FaceDetectorCallback): Boolean
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open fun enableLantern()
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open fun getCameraSize(width: Int, height: Int): Camera.Size
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open fun getExposure(): Int
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open fun getMaxExposure(): Int
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open fun getMaxZoom(): Int
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open fun getMinExposure(): Int
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open fun getMinZoom(): Int
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open fun getZoom(): Int
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open fun isRunning(): Boolean
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open fun onFaceDetection(faces: Array<Camera.Face>, camera: Camera)
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open fun onPreviewFrame(data: Array<Byte>, camera: Camera)
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open fun setCameraCallbacks(cameraCallbacks: CameraCallbacks)
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open fun setCameraFacing(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing)
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open fun setCameraSelect(cameraFacing: Int)
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open fun setExposure(value: Int)
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open fun setPreviewOrientation(orientation: Int)
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open fun setRotation(rotation: Int)
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open fun setSurfaceTexture(surfaceTexture: SurfaceTexture)
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open fun setZoom(event: MotionEvent)
open fun setZoom(level: Int)
open fun setZoom(event: MotionEvent, delta: Int)
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open fun start(width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int)
open fun start(cameraFacing: CameraHelper.Facing, width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int)
open fun start(facing: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fps: Int)
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open fun stop()
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open fun switchCamera()
open fun switchCamera(cameraId: Int)
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open fun tapToFocus(view: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean