
@RequiresApi(value = 29)
class MixAudioSource(mediaProjection: MediaProjection, microphoneAudioSource: Int = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT) : AudioSource

Mix microphone and internal audio sources in one source to allow send both at the same time. NOTES: Recommended configure prepareAudio with: echoCanceler = true, noiseSuppressor = true This is to avoid echo in microphone track.

Recommended increase microphone volume to 2f, because the internal audio normally is higher and you can't hear audio track properly.

Tested in 2 devices (Android 12 and Android 14). This could change depend of the model or not, I'm not sure: MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT, MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC -> If other app open the microphone you receive buffers with silence from the microphone until the other app release the microphone (maybe you need close the app). MediaRecorder.AudioSource.CAMCORDER -> Block the access to microphone to others apps. Others apps can't instantiate the microphone. MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION -> Block the access to microphone to others apps. Others apps can instantiate the microphone but receive buffers with silence from the microphone.


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constructor(mediaProjection: MediaProjection, microphoneAudioSource: Int = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT)


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fun init(sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean
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open override fun isRunning(): Boolean
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open override fun release()
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open override fun start(getMicrophoneData: GetMicrophoneData)
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open override fun stop()
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