
@RequiresApi(api = 18)
class MainRender

Created by pedro on 20/3/22.


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fun drawScreen(width: Int, height: Int, mode: AspectRatioMode, rotation: Int, flipStreamVertical: Boolean, flipStreamHorizontal: Boolean)
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fun drawScreenEncoder(width: Int, height: Int, isPortrait: Boolean, rotation: Int, flipStreamVertical: Boolean, flipStreamHorizontal: Boolean)
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fun drawScreenPreview(width: Int, height: Int, isPortrait: Boolean, mode: AspectRatioMode, rotation: Int, flipStreamVertical: Boolean, flipStreamHorizontal: Boolean)
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fun initGl(context: Context, encoderWidth: Int, encoderHeight: Int, previewWidth: Int, previewHeight: Int)
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fun release()
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fun setCameraFlip(isFlipHorizontal: Boolean, isFlipVertical: Boolean)
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fun setCameraRotation(rotation: Int)
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fun setFilterAction(filterAction: FilterAction, position: Int, baseFilterRender: BaseFilterRender)
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fun setPreviewSize(previewWidth: Int, previewHeight: Int)
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