

Link copied to clipboard


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open val b: Float
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open val g: Float
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open val previewHeight: Int
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open val previewWidth: Int
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open val r: Float
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open fun draw()
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open fun getPreviousTexId(): Int
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open fun getTexId(): Int
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open fun initFBOLink()
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abstract fun initGl(width: Int, height: Int, context: Context, previewWidth: Int, previewHeight: Int)
open fun initGl(width: Int, height: Int, context: Context, previewWidth: Int, previewHeight: Int)
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open fun release()
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open fun setPreviewSize(previewWidth: Int, previewHeight: Int)
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open fun setPreviousTexId(texId: Int)
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open fun setRGBSaturation(r: Float, g: Float, b: Float)
Saturate red, green and blue colors 0% to 100% (0.0f to 1.