
Created by pedro on 19/01/17.



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constructor(getMicrophoneData: GetMicrophoneData)


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val audioFormat: Int = 2
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open val channel: Int
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open var sampleRate: Int


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open fun createInternalMicrophone(config: AudioPlaybackCaptureConfiguration, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean
Create audio record with params and AudioPlaybackCaptureConfig used for capturing internal audio Notice that you should granted RECORD_AUDIO before calling this!
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open fun createMicrophone()
Create audio record
open fun createMicrophone(sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean
Create audio record with params and default audio source
open fun createMicrophone(audioSource: Int, sampleRate: Int, isStereo: Boolean, echoCanceler: Boolean, noiseSuppressor: Boolean): Boolean
Create audio record with params and selected audio source
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open fun isCreated(): Boolean
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open fun isMuted(): Boolean
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open fun isRunning(): Boolean
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open fun mute()
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open fun setCustomAudioEffect(customAudioEffect: CustomAudioEffect)
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open fun start()
Start record and get data
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open fun stop()
Stop and release microphone
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open fun unMute()