
class Av1Parser

Created by pedro on 8/12/23.

AV1 packets contains a sequence of OBUs. Each OBU contain:

  • header -> 1 to 2 bytes

obu_forbidden_bit f(1) obu_type f(4) obu_extension_flag f(1) obu_has_size_field f(1) obu_reserved_1bit f(1) if (obu_extension_flag == 1 ) obu_extension_header() }

extension header:

temporal_id f(3) spatial_id f(2) extension_header_reserved_3bit f(3)

  • data length (optional depend of header) -> 1 to 8 bytes in leb128

  • data


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fun getObus(av1Data: ByteArray): List<Obu>
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fun getObuType(header: Byte): ObuType
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fun writeLeb128(length: Long): ByteArray